Solange Knowles aurait-elle plagier Oroma Elewa?? c'est la question que certains se posent depuis que les visuels de la nouvelle campagne de Puma sont disponibles. Visuels réalisés , je le rappelle, sous la houlette de Solange, en tant que directrice artistique.
La question mérite vraiment d'être posée, je dirais même que çà en ferait un bon sujet d'examen de droit -spéciale secteur artistique/luxe (Dîtes à vos profs d'arrêter de prendre toujours les éternels exemples de Zara face au Zadig & Voltaire ou autre Kooples etc..., pour parler de plagiat artistique mais plutôt de s'intéresser à des exemples bien plus subtils et courant... bref, aparté clos)
Would Solange Knowles have plagiarize Oroma Elewa?? It is the question that arise since the pictures of the new Puma's ad campaign are available. For a reminder, these pictures have been realized under the leadership of Solange, as artistic director.
The question really deserves to be put, I would say it would defintely make a good subject for a law exam - specialized in artistic/luxury sector (Tell to your teachers to stop taking always of the examples of Zara against Zadig and Voltaire or other Kooples etc., to speak about artistic plagiarism but rather to be interested in examples more subtle ... In short my aparte is closed)
Tout démarre dans la nuit du mercredi 05 Février, lorsque Solange dévoile sur instagram les photos de sa nouvelle campagne pub. Deux belles jeunes femmes assises dans un décor tout coloré avec de magnifiques afros.
Les visuels sont génialissimes mais y'a un hic... Personnellement lorsque je les ai vu, j'ai pensé de suite à Oroma Elewa... Tous ceux qui connaissent son travail avec Pop 'Africana, connaissent bien son visage, son style inimitable et surtout cette coiffure qui est devenue sa marque de fabrique... je dirais même sa signature.
Le premier commentaire qui s'affiche est celui d' Oroma Elewa en personne disant "YOU'RE WELCOME" ("De rien" en français), puis viennent ceux des autres.
Everything started Wednesday night of 5th February, when Solange revealed on instagram the visuals of her new ad campaign for Puma. Two beautiful young women sat in a quite colored set with their beautiful afros.
The pictures are handsome but there is something weird... Personally when I saw them, I thought in a row about Oroma Elewa... All those who know her work with Pop ' Africana, know well her face, her inimitable style and especially this hairstyle which became her trademark I would even say her signature.
The first comment which appears is the one of Oroma Elewa, herself saying "YOU' RE WELCOME" .
Entre les commentaires enthousiastes et dithyrambique, certains followers de Solange n'hésitent pas à également pointer une inspiration directe d'Oroma mais engage plutôt cette dernière à se réjouir d'être l'objet d'inspiration plutôt que de bouder en somme. D'autres n'hésitent pas à parler même de plagiat... çà y est le mot est lâché. Kesh, artiste et amie d'Oroma twitte "Individuals are not celebrated. They are copy and pasted" ... etc..
Between enthusiastic and ecstatic comments, some followers of Solange do not hesitate to also point out a direct inspiration of Oroma but encourages this ladder to be delighted being the object of inspiration rather than sulking. Others do not hesitate to talk about plagiarism ... here it is, the word was said.
Kesh, artist and friend of Oroma tweeted " Individuals are not celebrated. They copy and pasted are " etc...
Personne n'a le monopole d'une coiffure , je ne l'apprends à personne. J'ai lu des commentaires de personnes surpris disant " because of wig? Please let us hear the world. Are you the first person to wear a wig?
Mais le problème va bien au delà de la simple coiffure. Oroma Elewa, ce n'est pas juste la petite It girl de passage, qui se dandine dans le clip de Theophilus london, qu'on ne se méprenne pas. Cette fille fait partie des nouveaux pionniers (hmm Oxymore quand tu nous tiens...) à avoir montrer et mis en avant une nouvelle esthétique dans la mode, puisant ses sources dans la richesse culturelle noire, africaine. Amie de Solange, elle a fait partie de ceux qui ont montré à Solange cette nouvelle ethétique. Son Magazine Pop Africana était à lui seul une révolution. Elle-même de par sa beauté, son sens artistique a su créer une sorte d'univers autour d'elle, reconnaissable et propre. Ce n'est donc pas tant qu'une question de coiffure mais plutôt une réflexion artistique, une recherche d'avant garde et une recherche de soi dans son individualité la plus totale qui a été mise à mal. Voila pourquoi selon moi Oroma s'est sentie un peu volée. A tel point qu'elle a supprimé tous ses tweets et messages facebook... comme si elle opérait une sorte de retrait "physique" des réseaux sociaux.
Pour moi, le mot plagiat est trop fort mais il est indéniable qu'il y'a une inspiration.
Pour moi, le mot plagiat est trop fort mais il est indéniable qu'il y'a une inspiration.
Pour info, Oroma s'apprêtait à relancer son magazine Pop Africana et à lancer une marketplace de ses coups de coeur mode chiner aux quatre coins de l'Afrique. Cette fille est un talent à l'état brute, je suis un peu peinée pour elle ... juste envie de lui dire Go girl, "ce qui ne te tues pas te rend plus forte".
Nobody has the monopoly of a hairstyle, I teach it to nobody. I read surprised comments of people saying " because of wig? Please let customs(US) to hear the world. Are you the first person to wear has wig?
But the problem goes far beyond the simple hairstyle question. Oroma Elewa, she is not just a it-girl , who waddles in Theophilus London's last clip, don't be mistaken. This girl is a member of new pioneers (hmm Oxymoron when you hold us) to have showes and put forwarded a new esthetics in fashion, drawing its sources from the Black, African culture. As a Friend of Solange, she was part of those people who showed to Solange this new esthetics. Her Pop'Africana Magazine was only itself a revolution. Herself due to her beauty, her artistic sense knew how to create a kind of universe around her, recognizable and clean(appropriate). So it's not a matter of hairstyle but rather an artistic reflection, an Avant-garde research.
And a search(research) for one in its most total individuality which was damaged. That's why according to me Oroma felt a little stolen. To such a point that she(it) deleted(eliminated) all her(its) tweets and message Facebook as if she(it) operated a kind of "physical" retreat(withdrawal) of the social networks.
According to me, the word plagiarism is too strong but it is undeniable that there is a clear inspiration.
For your information, Oroma was ready to relaunch her Pop Africana Magazine and to launch a marketplace of her fashion crushes found in every corner of Africa. This girl has got a real talent, I am a little saddened for her! just want to tell her "Go girl, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ".
Nobody has the monopoly of a hairstyle, I teach it to nobody. I read surprised comments of people saying " because of wig? Please let customs(US) to hear the world. Are you the first person to wear has wig?
But the problem goes far beyond the simple hairstyle question. Oroma Elewa, she is not just a it-girl , who waddles in Theophilus London's last clip, don't be mistaken. This girl is a member of new pioneers (hmm Oxymoron when you hold us) to have showes and put forwarded a new esthetics in fashion, drawing its sources from the Black, African culture. As a Friend of Solange, she was part of those people who showed to Solange this new esthetics. Her Pop'Africana Magazine was only itself a revolution. Herself due to her beauty, her artistic sense knew how to create a kind of universe around her, recognizable and clean(appropriate). So it's not a matter of hairstyle but rather an artistic reflection, an Avant-garde research.
And a search(research) for one in its most total individuality which was damaged. That's why according to me Oroma felt a little stolen. To such a point that she(it) deleted(eliminated) all her(its) tweets and message Facebook as if she(it) operated a kind of "physical" retreat(withdrawal) of the social networks.
According to me, the word plagiarism is too strong but it is undeniable that there is a clear inspiration.
For your information, Oroma was ready to relaunch her Pop Africana Magazine and to launch a marketplace of her fashion crushes found in every corner of Africa. This girl has got a real talent, I am a little saddened for her! just want to tell her "Go girl, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ".
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